This is the class used for executing and testing DQLs based on the old model.
create(name) Boolean This will create the the multiviews used for running the DQL later. All information needed for dql must be set before calling this function. The multiview will be created with the name given as a paramter. compile Boolean All data-entry and code must be set. This will then set up the dql and compile it. If no errors it will return True, if there are error it will return False and the errocode and pos will be set. destroy Boolean Will clean up the DQL so you can reuse the object for a new or just clear the memory used by it so the Python object get as small as prossible waiting for garbage collecting. geterrorcode Int The error code returned by the compiler geterrorpos Int The position in the text the compiler stopped on the error geterrortext None Not implemented getresult Str Return the result of the run dql and clear it getscripttext Str Return the text set by a previous setscripttext. listrecordscolumnnames List Array of first level Column Names defined for DQL after compiling and the List of Stats at the end run Boolean Run the DQL and return True on success and False on error setdataentryvar(
value)Boolean Set a data-entry a name given and the value. This will later be used when calling create for the data-entry multiview passed to the dql. setscripttext Boolean Replace the script already and reset the compiled statatus. Ex.