The server have a command interface that can be used to run task not related to data or pages. It also holds none standard ways of accessing dqls from other places than the WebServer table.

about return server setting about app and config. You need to be logged in as high to get all info.
clearpage manually clear cache for a page. Syntax is /cmd/clearpage/urltopage. Ex. /cmd/clearpage/app/Company.html will clear cache for /app/Comapany.html
clear all sessions stored (devserver only)
openapp open the application served now in DataEase client (only in devserver)
ping returns result: "ok"
quit stop server(only on devserver)
rescan re scan the page definitions from the WebServer table(must be logged in as high)
savesession set the session save countdown to 1 so it is saved withing 5 seconds

All commands have the form /cmd/thecommand/...