The LiveText tag can be used in any place that goes into a page generation engine. This is done in all templates, dql and page. The LiveText can be a single string or .-separated. When a single name the current context is what is looked up, when .-separated the global context is used. In the global context you have a lot of fixed name spaces to lookup. This document gives you all these.


name The repository name. Ex [{}]
path The repository path. Ex. [{app.path}]


The server context is all values global for the server this application is running on. Each LiveText lookes like [{server.thekey}]

dateformat The format used for dates. Ex. DD/MM/YYYY for international dates if the date separator is /
datesep The separator used by DataEase when returning dates. Ex. 31/12/2017 the separator is /
decimal The decimal separator used by DataEase when returning decimal numbers.  Ex. 2 003,14 the decimal separator is , and the triplet is " "
internaltime A internal time used by the server. It is a 64 bit value that counts in ns.
timeformat The format used for time. Ex. HH:MM:SS if the time separator is :
timesep The separator used by DataEase when returning time values. Ex. 14:15:16 the separator is :
triplet The triplet separator used by DataEase when returning decimal numbers. Ex. 2 003,14 the decimal separator is , and the triplet is " "


The page context is the current page rendered. This can be a dql or a page and any templates used for any of these share the current page context when rendered. This is why [{}] in the title of a template gives different results for each page the template is used.

body The body that will be rendered when the page loads
code The code to be executed when the page loads
id The id where used for looking up the page. This can be used to load the page form the WebServer table into a editor.
name The information found in .name at the top of the page
security Security set on the page from None to High
template Template used by the page. You can get the name, id, code and body by [{}] etc. The template name is return when no extra parameter given.
type The page type like Page, Element etc.
url The registered url that well be used by a browser to locate the page.


isloggedin yes/no if you are logged in or not
level Level as text form high to low3
Numeric level from 8 not logged in to 1 meaning high
sessionid Your session id used for the cookie set in your browser. This is the identifier for your session whether you are logged in or not
username The name registered on the user. This is the same as the name in Users table
timeout how long in ms to you session times out (0) is never.
token The token used to identify posts, puts and deletes from browser to server.

The information about the logged in user.


The numeric value returned by prism when running a dql. 0=DPE_SUCCESS, any other is a error code
Show your 100 char of code with the ##*-> pointing to the position of the error in the code
errormsg The text version of the error given by error code
The position in the code where the error was discovered

Error messages given by a dql run on a page. The format is [{dqlerror.val}] an will list problems running a dql in a page. Very useful to add on the main template when you are developing.


This will later be used for global shared values set in dqls.


Returns values regarding the currently loaded page an the environment it is loaded into. This holds all the query and parameters given in the url and the live url it self.

Getting a query parameter by giving the query parameter name Ex. to get /listall?&field1=something you can use [{session.query.field1}] to return the value something
Get a url part by adding the numeric position 0 indexed of the url Ex. an url /list/user/all you can return all by [{session.url.2}]