A web page in sever is all pages that needs processing in the server. Ut usually are put together of two components, the template and the page. The template is all the boilerplate code needed for make a html document and the page is the individual parts that are unique. When loading a html document using a url, it is always the page that is the url. The template are loaded based on what it is told to use in the page or by a override commend in the query section of the url. Below is a quick example of a template and a page that will then make up a page.

The template

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en-GB">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
<h1>Hello from the template</h1>
<!-- Start of body imported from page -->
<!-- End of body imported from page -->
<p>More text from the template</p>

Here is a minimal template that should be stored in appfolder\static\templates\basetemplate.html

The page part

.template /templates/basetemplate.html
.name Hello page
.security None
<h2>Hello from the page</h2>

A minimal hello world page

What the browser are served

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en-GB">
  <title>Hello page</title>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
<h1>Hello from the template</h1>
<!-- Start of body imported from page -->
<h2>Hello from the page</h2>
<!-- End of body imported from page -->
<p>More text from the template</p>

This is the template and the page combined as it will appear in the browser. And since the security for this page is None, everyone can load this page.