When you start up your server, will see that you are assigned a port. To get to the server add where xxxx is to port assigned to the server in your browser and press enter. This should result in a default start page telling you about the server and how to browse data in your DataEase app. If you do not get this page in your browser have a look at trouble shouting starting development server document.

My first code running in server

Any programming tools need the simplest you need to be up and running. Here is the one for DataEase server . Create a file in static and name it hello.html.

.template /templates/basetemplate.html
.name Hello world
.security None
<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <h1>Hello world!</h1>

Code to add

Now save it and add in the browser. The xxxx is to port assigned to the server when it was first started. This is usually a number between 8000 and 8999 that is the normal range for server like this.

What do it do

This file contains the basic definition needed to produce a "Hello world!" to the user. What the different parts mean.

Line 1. .page | tells the server that this should be processed by the server a live page. If you want more that static pages this is usually what you want.

Line 2. ,template atemlatepath | tells you what template the page should be added to. This is a scaffold containing html structure and the startup code for DataEase spesific forms etc. The one used in the sample is the most basic there is. It loads bootstrap, jquery and dataeaseconnect. Then it initialize the page.

Line 3. .name | this is the name given to the page loaded. The template will usually put this in the title as it does in this example. So this is what you will see in the tab or title of the browser.

Line 4. .security whatisneeded | this tells to server who can see the page. You have None like we used that let anybody see the page up to High that only the super users can see.

Line 5 .end | the end of page definition. After this the html starts

Line 6-.. | This is the html that will replace the [%body%] tag in the template.