Direct Page/DQL will give a user of the development server that comes with DataEase the ability to execute any Page/DQL stored in a body field in any table. To return a page this way, use the url /cmd/page/ and parameters as described below.You can also read a body from the same table from a second body field or use the singe page/dql format introduced in as the dql file format in LegEasy Connect.

Running the Page/DQL on the server i done by defining what to run using an url. You can select to get JSON back by adding json=1 as a query parameter.

To make the JSON code human readable add the query parameter jsonpretty=1 to the url.

What Page/DQL definition to fetch

The pages/dqls can be stored in several ways in the development server, so there can be from 1 to 7 extra parameters for telling where to get it and how. Here is the order of the extra parameters from the last to the first. If you just use one extra parameters all others will be default values defined in the server. 

Default values

table name WebServer
code field Code
name field Name
url field URL
template field Template
security field Security
body field Body
lookup id ID

The parameters in reverse order

1 extra Then you only supply the ID value used to lookup the DQL using all tables and fields with the default values.
Ex: /cmd/page/ELM00005/
2 extra You supply the table name and the ID using all default field names.
Ex: /cmd/page/MyDQLStore/ELM00005/
3 extra You supply the table name, code field and the ID using all default field names.
Ex: /cmd/page/MyDQLStore/DQL/ELM00005/
4 extra You supply the table name, code field, name and the ID using all default field names.
Ex: /cmd/page/MyDQLStore/DQL/Description/ELM00005/
5 extra You supply the table name, code field, name field, url field, the id field and the ID using all default field names.
Ex: /cmd/page/MyDQLStore/DQL/Description/LookupKey/ELM00005/
6 extra You supply the table name, code field, name field, url field, the id field and the ID using all default field names.
Ex: /cmd/page/MyDQLStore/DQL/Description/Path/LookupKey/ELM00005/
7 extra You supply the table name, code field, name field, url field, the id field, the template name field and the ID using all default field names.
Ex: /cmd/page/MyDQLStore/DQL/Description/Path/LookupKey/TemplateName/ELM00005/
8 extra You supply the table name, code field, name field, url field, the id field, the template name field, the security field and the ID using all default field names.
Ex: /cmd/page/MyDQLStore/DQL/Description/Path/LookupKey/TemplateName/Security/ELM00005/
9 extra You supply the table name, code field, name field, url field, the id field, the template name field, the security field, body field and the ID using all default field names.
Ex: /cmd/page/MyDQLStore/DQL/Description/Path/LookupKey/TemplateName/Security/HTML/ELM00005/