The scheduler table should at least have these fields defined.

Name: Scheduler

Fields (hard coded at the moment but that can change in a later release):

Active yes/no
Only the one active with yes will be added to the scheduler, so you have inactive tasks by setting active to no.
InProgress yes/no default no
Prevent entry
Tell i the code is running now in the server. If you have this set to yes an no server is running, you probably have a failed run or a hanging task.
ID text 10 unique and sequence The identifying field. When a change is done to the task, you must keep this value to be able to reload and reschedule a task.
Every choice Once
Every seconds
Every minutes
Every hours
Every days
Every weeks
Every months
How often to repeat the task. Use the EveryNumerical to on all but once to indicate how many seconds, minutes, hours etc between each repetition.
EveryNumerical integer
Used by every to tell how many periods to skip before a reschedule is done
Todo choice
Type of code to run. At the moment DQL and derivation is supported with no external parameters.
StartDate date extended The date of when to run the job next time. If the data or time is in the past, the task is scheduled to run in 1 second after startup.
StartTime time The time of when to run the job next time. 
LastRunDateStart date extended
Prevent entry
The date when the scheduler started up the process
LastRunTimeStart time Prevent entry The time when the scheduler started up the process
LastRunDateEnd date extended
Prevent entry
The date when the scheduler finished running the process
LastRunTimeEnd time Prevent entry The time when the scheduler finished running the process
Code memo
The DQL or derivation to be run. No GUI input or output available.

You can add as many other fields as you like as long as you have the above fields defined. You can also start more than one scheduler if you have long running tasks that you not want to interfere with our other tasks. To do this you need the add a field used to separate the task and start the scheduler with a query selecting only the tasks to run on each server.