Repo will let you open a DataEase application for use in node. Before you create a new Repo object, you must have a working Prism object that is successfully initialized.

Repo is from where you connect to your data or updates the structure of your data.

closerepo boolean Close the repository. This must be done before opening a new one as only one can be open at the time.
deletetable boolean Delete a table in the repository. Return true if successful.
- tname | name of the table to delete
Exexute a dql and return the result as a string. Depending of if you use a template or not, you will get a csv or a string build on the template. The template engine used here, is the very simple DataEase 8 version and not the new server version found in DataEase 9.
 -script | the dql that is been run
- template | template to use with exec dql
- field1 | data-entry that is picked up in dql as data-entry field1
- field2 | data-entry that is picked up in dql as data-entry field2
- field3 | data-entry that is picked up in dql as data-entry field3
- field4 | data-entry that is picked up in dql as data-entry field4
getdateformat string
Based on the setting in prism you get MM/DD/YYYY, DD/MM/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD where / is replaced by the separator used by prism.
getdateseparator string
The date separator used by prism
getdatestandard string
The date standard used by prism. Can be:
1 North American MM/DD/YY
2 International DD/MM/YY
3 Metric YY/MM/DD
getdesimalseparator string The separator used for decimal in floating point and decimal numbers
getlasterror number
The last error code returned from a prism call
getlasterrorasstring string
The error as formatted by prism.
getletter string
The letter used for RDRRxAAA.INI and the like. x is then replaced by this letter.
getthousandseparator string
The separator used for triplets in a number. Ex 1 000.23 for thousand point twenty three
gettimeformat string
HH:MM:SS where the : is replaced by the separator used by prism
gettimeseparator string
The separator used by time
isopen boolean Return True if the repo is open
listcommands Array Return a string array of all commands supported by DQL
listfunctions Array
Return a string array of all functions supported by DataEase
listoperators Array
Return a array of all operators supported by DQL
listtablenames Array
Return a array of all tables in repository
openrepo boolean Open a named repositiory
- name | name or the repository as can be seen in catalog
- path | path to the repository as can be seen in catalog
- [username] | if you have a username you want to log in with add it here if omitted blank is used
- [password] | if you have a password you want to login with add it here, if omitted blank is used
rename boolean Will close repo if open to clear all, then open it, renname to new name and close again.
- newname | the name to rename to
- [newappkey] | if given will tell to generate new appkey or not. If not given a new appkey is generated.
runfunction string
Call into DPRunFunction with a function name and 0-8 args and return the result.

How to open a repo

var denode = require('./denode')
var prism = new denode.Prism();
var prismpath = __dirname + '\\denode'
console.log('Path to this denode is: ' + prismpath);
var isinit = prism.prisminit();
console.log("is init done with result " + isinit);
if (isinit == true) {
    console.log("Prism init ok");
    var repo = new denode.Repo();
    repo.openrepo('The repo name', 'C:\\Path\\To\\DataEase\\Application');
} else
    console.log("Prism init failed");

This will first load the module and create a connection to prism. Prism need to know where the module is, so we add a prismpath and init prism. Then we create and open a repository. Do what needs doing and make sure to close the repo and shut down prism.