
Direct call into prism without going trough any other layer. If a function supports it, ths can be used from anywhere even before an application is opened.


- what | the name of the function to call

- parameter 1..8 | the direct parameters used for a function as string

Return a string with the value returned by the function

DEOS String Call direct to the DEOS funtion with any paramters that will take and return the value. If the DEOS function support it, this can be used before PRISM started and a application opened.
GetBus String Get a value from the DateEase bus set by SetBus. Can be used for sending information between DataEase applications.
GetCurrent String Return the same as GetCurrent will do.
GetValue String Return a value from a Object in actibe form.
GetVar String Return a local global variable set by SetVar.
Remote String Call in to remote direct without going trough prism.
SetBus Nothing Set a value on the DataEase bur. This can be read from any open DataEase and can be used from transerfing values between the DataEase on the same logged in user on a computer.
SetCurrent String Call into SetCurrent.
SetFocus Nothing Set the focus to a field in active window. Params is the object name.
SetValue Nothing Set a value in current active form
SetVar Nothing Set a global variable in DfW.

The list of all supported function at the moment