In DG3, we automatically creates a folder in your Documents folder called DG3Apps. Since DG3 is all about file structures and text files, we need a starting point of where to look for files. We do not like the idea of having this in the Windows registry, so instead we always assume the this is where you want to have your DG3 projects. If you do not like this, you can create a text file with the name of redirect and add the folder to where you ant to add your DG3 project. 

Redirect applications

The same is the case for DG3 applications. If you simply create a directory with your application name and create a redirect file with a path to the real directory to use, you can store your DG3 applications wherever you want.

Set default data path

Mind the PRISM repository path. If you make a link and leave your original in place, you might come in the situation where you change data in your old copy and not in the new. The best way to stop this behavior, is to always use . (the dot) as path in app.conf. Then DG3 will default to AppPath\Data as your repository path.

Share application using Dropbox

If you combine the two latest technique, you and you coworkers can use dropbox for sharing your applications. Mind that only one can work at the time due to prism data, and changes to files using DG3. But it is better than manually copying files until the pull from DG3DS is activated. This is how you do it. Take the application you want to share, copy it to a dropbox folder and share the folder. Edit app.conf in dropbox and change the rootdir entry to . (the dot) and save. Create a folder with the same name as the application in your DG3Apps folder and create a redirect file (no extention) and add one line of text with the path to the dropbox folder with an trailing \. That's it. You can now open the application in DG3 using the version in the dropbox folder.