
Set a status to DataEase. This can be printers, windows etc.

ActivateDE "0"/"1" Activate DataEase main window
ActiveDoc activated doc Set active document by name
 - Name of document to activate
ActiveWindow hWnd Use windows handle to switch to correct window. The hWnd must be the same as the one returned by GetCurrent("ActiveWindow") or tab list.
CatalogDirty "yes"/"no" Used to reset GetCurrent("CatalogDirty") that is set of the system or to tell the system to refresh catalog next time it is loaded.
Ex. SetCurrent("CatalogDirty","no")
Set the file path used by the next call to CutePDFWriter as the out put name.

SetCurrent("Environment",what,val) set the DataEase process local environment variable to your value. Can be used to set startup parameters for a shell command or communicate internally.
DeveloperVersion Set the version used for this app to the current version of the developer that is running.
@DefaultPrinter Set default printer
@Printer Predefined printer
WindowBorder Nothing Parameter
- NoEdge that removes caption and borders.
- NoCaption removes the caption
- Caption add back the caption
- thin what windows calls a BORDER
- thick what windows calls a THICKFRAME
- normal what windows calls a DLGFRAME
WindowClass Nothing Parameters
- Modal makes the current window modal
- Normal turns off modal for all windows
WindowPos Nothing x, y, [width], [height] inside the client windows, can use + or - to add or subtract to current size position or T=top and B=bottom for y and L=left and R=right for x and C=center for both x and y.
WindowSize Nothing width, height, [x], [y] inside the client windows, can use + or - to add or subtract to current size position or T=top and B=bottom for y and L=left and R=right for x and C=center for both x and y.
WindowType Nothing Parameter
- NorMax normalizes the windows and makes it max size in the client frame.
- NorMaxMax normalizes the windows and makes it max size in the client frame. Borders and caption removed.
- Normal mormalized the window
- Maximize maximizes the window
- Minimize minimizes the window
Statusbar Nothing Parameter
- on turn on statusbar
- off turn off statusbar
Tabbar Nothing Parameter
- on turn on tab bar
- off turn off tab bar
Toolbar Nothing Parameter
- on turn on toolbar
- off turn off toolbar
Filemenu Nothing Parameter
- on turn on menu
- off turn off menu
  - keepline as parameter 2 will let you keep a blank menu line
AllBars Nothing Parameter
- on turn on tab, status, menu and tool bar
- off turn off tab, status, menu and tool bar

More to come.