Text Function

The midc function extracts a specified number of characters from the middle of a text value.

midc( TEXT VALUE, m, n)
m is the starting position in the text value and
n is the number of characters to extract.

A text value n characters in length.

midc(FIELDNAME, m, n) returns n characters beginning at character position m (inclusive). Spaces and punctuation symbols are included.
midc( "DataEase" , 4, 3)
Returns: aEa

midc( "Club ParaDEASE" , 6, 3)
Returns: Par

midc( LAST NAME, 4, 2)
Returns: Two characters beginning at the fourth character position in the LAST NAME field for every record that is processed. If a record contains the value Birnbaum in the LAST NAME field, the function returns nb.