StringFind("This is a test","test") .
retval := StringFind(FieldToSearch,Search) .

Search a string to find if the substring is find in it. If it is find it will return the position of the first substring.
The position usage has been superseeded by the StringTo(),StringBetween(),StringFrom() function so will be changed to returning the number of substrings in string.


StringToSearch; String

The string where we look for substring in.

StringToSearchFor: String

The string we are looking for.


Integer: Postion of Substring in string. 0 if no match. Will be changed to the count of substring in string.

Returns start position of StringToFind i.e larger than 0 if a string is part of a text. Returns 0 if it isn't.

int StringFind(StringToSearch,StringTofind)

It is a complimentary function to *string* which is a simply boolean function.

With StringFind you find the start of a string you look for, so you can use it to cut out a second or third string from an existing string.

you can search for the beginning of a string(you know the length of the string you search for, so the value you are really looking for starts at StringFind(StringToSearch,StringTofind)+Length(StringToFind)

if you want to return the value between to occurrences, you simply do.
