
SetMemoValue("Header",lookup ExtendedUSer MyHeader)
retval := SetMemoValue("Signature",SignatureMemo) .

To Insert the content of a PRISM Memo into the EditControl of a MemoField in a form.

If you are running an ExecDQL that manipulate a memo and you then want to insert this memo into the active form (the form that called the Memo) you cannot use Modify Records in the DQL directly as this will render the Current record invalid doe to data being changed in another session, so you need to use the FORM control to populate the column.

SetMemoValue() is the bridge between a PRISM column (any) and the active Memo Edit Control on the form.


DestinationMemo: Memo

This is the Memo EditControl that you want to populate. Remember that objects need to be named with "" and is case sensitive.

SourceMemo: Memo

This is the memo that contain the information you want to transfer to DestinationMemo. This is a column and will be addressed without "" and is case insensitive.



This is the complementary function to SetValue() for normal fields and again the complementary function for the PRISM function MemoMemoCopy().

This function allow you to set the visible part of a Memo Edit control by copying the content of a PRISM memo field to the GUI Object.

Format: SetMemoValue("MyMemo",PrismMemo)

This can be useful in many contexts but one particular spring to mind...from inside ExecDQL.

You can manipulate a MemoField in the DQL and when finished you simply push it back into a visual control in the Form.


define temp "retval" text .
for MemoTest ;
retval := SetMemoValue("DestMemo",FromMemo) .
This sample is a stupid sample that copy a memo from one record and push it into the on screen records "DestMemo" object.