
MemoLength(MEMO FIELD)

To find out the length (number of characters) in a Memo Field.

Can also be used to figure out if a Memo Field is Blank.



The memo field that you want to investigate for Length.


Numerical Value. Length of MEMO FIELD.


Example 1

MyMemo contains a Text that is 3250 characters long.


Returns: 3250.

Example 2

In a Virtual field we find the following formula;

If (MemoLength(MyMemo)>0, MemoCopy(MyMemo,"This field already contains data!".0),MemoCopy("This MemoField was empty!",1))

This formula will result in the text "This field already contains data!" being appended to the MemoField if it already contains data, and "This MemoField was empty!" be inserted into it if it didn't.

Example 3

The following DQL will return all records where the Memo MyMemo has content.

For MyMemoForm with MemoLength(MyMemo)>0 ;

List records


Just a simple little function that might be very nice when you start manipulating your Memos.

Forget all the negative stuff you have heard about Memos. They are the greatest thing happening to DataEase since Subforms.

They had a rough start, but that was simply because they had to work like large text fields. THEY ARE NOT!

They are a storage class for unstructured text!

We now use the form WebFields, Datastorage, export, import, you name it they do it.

So it might be useful to know how much is stored in one..

number MemoLength(Memo) simply returns that as a number. 0 obviously is empty, but so is Blank...