
MemoExecDQL(DQLMemoField,"Data-Entry Field1","Data-Entry Field2","Data-Entry Field3","Data-Entry Field3","Export File")

MemoExecDQL is the most used ExecDQL function simply because you can make your own editor form in an application where you store all your DQLs and then you transfere them to the form where they are needed via a simple lookup to a virtual memo field.

When it is looked up in the virtual memo field, you can simply execute it in the form via MemoExecDQL().

You can execute a DQL up to 64k in length this way.


MemoContianingDQL: (String)

Field name (Memo field) that contain the DQL you want to execute.

Data-Entry Field1: (String)

This is the parameter that you can reference inside the DQL script as Data-Entry field1.

Data-Entry Field2: (String)

This is the parameter that you can reference inside the DQL script as Data-Entry field2.

Data-Entry Field3: (String)

This is the parameter that you can reference inside the DQL script as Data-Entry field3.

Data-Entry Field4: (String)

This is the parameter that you can reference inside the DQL script as Data-Entry field4.

Export File: (String)

ExecDQL was designed to cover two major flaws in the DQL hierarchy of DFW. Manipulation and export so if you add a file name her and a list records in the DQL it will create a CSV file with column headers where the columns are in the order you put them in the list records.

PS! It is extremely quick.

