
datefield := DatePicker().

To allow the user to choose a date from a calendar instead of having to key it in.




Selected date.

We are currently on the final stretch of DataEase 8 new functionality. One function that a lot of you have been wanting is a date picker.

In a moment of weakness almost a year ago, I put it on a list of thing we would do if we ever got the time, which normally would mean...Never...;-)

As I have had to eat a lot of humble pie over the last 12 months, I decided that we should ease up on the arrogance and listen to the public.

And that is why we can now reveal that the DatePicker() is a confirmed function for the DataEase 8 runners up.

For every one that want this function we have 5 traditionalist that don't want it, so we will not interfere with the standard date field - it is rather efficient to just punch in a date, instead we will add it as a rather stupid function.

date DatePicker(Date)


You can of course input any date you want, and the month for that date will show up.
