Get a table definition for the named table

Return a json with a node for tdf other nodes for settings on the table and one named fdef with a array of objects that holds the field definitions of the table.

Ex. strres := DEOS("@GetDefinition", "table","Address")

  "result": "ok",
  "tdf": {
    "fdef": [
        "escname": "Name",
        "hasindex": "no",
        "isreqired": "no",
        "isunique": "no",
        "isvirtual": "no",
        "length": 150,
        "name": "Name",
        "preventedit": "no",
        "readsec": "Low3",
        "type": "text",
        "usedforrecalc": "no",
        "writesec": "Low3"
        "escname": "Address",
        "hasindex": "no",
        "isreqired": "no",
        "isunique": "no",
        "isvirtual": "no",
        "length": 150,
        "name": "Address",
        "preventedit": "no",
        "readsec": "Low3",
        "type": "text",
        "usedforrecalc": "no",
        "writesec": "Low3"
        "escname": "Address2",
        "hasindex": "no",
        "isreqired": "no",
        "isunique": "no",
        "isvirtual": "no",
        "length": 150,
        "name": "Address2",
        "preventedit": "no",
        "readsec": "Low3",
        "type": "text",
        "usedforrecalc": "no",
        "writesec": "Low3"
        "escname": "PostAddress",
        "hasindex": "no",
        "isreqired": "no",
        "isunique": "no",
        "isvirtual": "no",
        "length": 150,
        "name": "PostAddress",
        "preventedit": "no",
        "readsec": "Low3",
        "type": "text",
        "usedforrecalc": "no",
        "writesec": "Low3"
        "escname": "PostCode",
        "hasindex": "no",
        "isreqired": "no",
        "isunique": "no",
        "isvirtual": "no",
        "length": 15,
        "name": "PostCode",
        "preventedit": "no",
        "readsec": "Low3",
        "type": "text",
        "usedforrecalc": "no",
        "writesec": "Low3"
        "escname": "WebSite",
        "hasindex": "no",
        "isreqired": "no",
        "isunique": "no",
        "isvirtual": "no",
        "length": 150,
        "name": "WebSite",
        "preventedit": "no",
        "readsec": "Low3",
        "type": "text",
        "usedforrecalc": "no",
        "writesec": "Low3"
    "prismusebool": false,
    "prismuseisodatetime": false,
    "prismusenumber": false,
    "tablecreatesecurity": "Medium3",
    "tabledeletesecurity": "Medium3",
    "tabledopreservedataonmodify": true,
    "tablehasencrypteddata": false,
    "tablemodifysecurity": "Medium3",
    "tableviewsecurity": "Low3",
    "tname": "Address"

The tdf defined for the table address

  "result": "ok",
  "tdf": null

If there is no table with this name