
Return object definitions for the current open document.


Return all information from current object in a segment defined by parameters


flat | return all object names as array

styles | return all styles defined on document

no paramter | all information stored in the document, same as DEOS("@getdefinition","document")


Get the dictionary of classed in DataEase.


Return information of current selected element or blank if none selected. 


exist | return yes or no

styles | return all styles that can be used for selected element

pos | the position to the elemement

stylesinfo | information about styles for the selected object

Ex. DEOS("@GetDefinition", "object", "current", "stylesinfo") return the current selected objects "classname", "defaultstyle" (the name) and a list of all the style name in a array named "styles".


Return whatever you have set by DEOS("@SetDefinition", "object", "definition"...). This definition is used when creating a new object in the GUI. You can set extra parameters before the object is created. 

any object name

Select a object by name and return the definition. You can also ask for parts of definition like 


