Bustalk can be used to automatically start DataEase if not there is a version started. This to avoid losing the bustalk settings due to you have to have a DataEase running to be able to use it.

Bustalk takes two parameters, set and get

The set is used for setting a global var and get to return a global var to the standard out.

to set a value: bustalk set varname varvalue

to get a value to stdout: bustalk get varname

The ini settings that can be used in bustalk.ini

ProgramPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\DataEase\DataEase 8.6 Pro Beta\
;AppPath=C:\Users\me\Documents\My DataEase\TheApp

The setting in the ini file are (remove ; on the lines you want to use):

ProgramPath Where to find the exe file to start. Yo can skip this setting and the start command will use the path to find the exe file.
Program The executable to start.
AppPath The DataEase application path. We will add " if there are any space in the path.
AppName The DataEase application name. We will add " if there are any space in the name.
UserName The user name to use for logging into the application
Password The password to use for logging into the application.
StartupQuery The startup document to use with a query in the form of "DocumentName?field1=val1&field2=val2". You can also just add a startup document without any query by adding just the DocumentName. If there are any space in the startup query " will be added.
Wait The time bustalk will wait for the application to startup before it will try to set or get a value from the global memory. This is to let DataEase take control of the Global data as it will disappear when the last instance of a DataEase bus capable application is closed down. Default value is 2000 milliseconds. To set another value do so in milliseconds.