Used on the live server to configure the real web server that will serve DG3 application to the web.

How to set it up

When you want to use DG3DS, you need to install DG3 on the server and go into this section, do you changes to settings and do at least one Save.

The commands

Used to save changes to settings. A setting is not active until this button is pressed. You also need to do a valid save before the first time to use DG3 web server or DG3DS. Error is shown in List commands tab.

Start web server
Starts the web server on this computer either as a service or as an application, depending on settings. It does nothing if the web server is already started.

Stop web server
Stops the local web server or web server service on this computer.

Start DG3DS
Starts DG3DS on this computer either as a service or as an application, depending on settings.

Stop DG3DS
Stops DG3DS on this computer.

Web server settings

Root path This is where all files deployed on the server is stored. Make sure your services have all rights to this path. You also have to make sure that DG3 are able to store the settings for this path in the DG3 Program files folder the first time you save settings.
Web server to use If you have no special need, just leave it blank and DG3 will use the default one (now lighttpd). It support two different types out of the box lighttpd and nginx. Nginx have some issues when it comes to stopping as a windows service, but is the one most used on the web.
Start web server as service Checked to make web server start automatically when Windows restarts. Make sure you read the trouble shooting section at the end of the document.

Deployment server settings

This is settings for DG3DS (the deployment server). This is the service you need to start on you server to make it possible to do remote deployment. To work, you firewall on the server must be able to let tcp/ip pass on port 81 if you not have changed that setting.

Start deployment server as a service Checked to make DS start automatically when Windows restarts. Make sure you read the trouble shooting section at the end of the document.
Deployment server port The tcp/ip port used by DG3DS to communicate with DG3. Only port 81 is supported and tested at the moment.

List commands

Show the result of the commands you do. If you try to save the settings without the proper right to you program files, this will show up in this list.

Server access log

This is a view showing the latest use of the web server. It is the standard access log, that can be found as text files in the webserver folder under the root path.

Server error log

This is a view showing the latest errors of the web server. It is the standard error log, that can be found as text files in the webserver folder under the root path.

DG3 Task list

Show all services that might be related with DG3. You can refresh the services list by the refresh icon and kill services that should not be running by a right click menu on the service.

Trouble shooting DG3 Web servers

If you run DG3 as a service, you need to make sure that the service user have proper rights to the system. The problem is that the service is not running as administrator or you, but a special "Local System" user. This user must have the proper rights to files on your system where DG3 is set up to run your web application.This is in your "My documents" folder by defefault if you did not set another path when you configured the deployment server. In newer Windows servers this user do not have any rights to files outside the ones configured for IIS and the like. In the same manner, you as an administrator do not have right on new server to automatically start and stop the services if not done from inside the Locals services app. You can do it in the Local Services app, but not from DG3. All of this gets solved by making sure that DG3DS, the DG3App and the DG3Webserver runs as the same user and that user have right to the My Documents for the user that installed and configured the deployment service. Because of this the best way to avoid problems is to let the services run as you admin user. If not you have to dig into file security and server policy settings.