Control Command

The install application command lets you copy the documents and data from another DataEase application into the current application. You can also use this option to convert and install documents and data created in another database or spreadsheet program.
The install application command functions like choosing the Application>>Utilities>>Install.

install application "[ INSTALLATION FILENAME ]" .
The filename that follows the install application command is the name of the Installation Command file containing specific instructions about the documents and data to be installed. This filename must be enclosed in quotation marks and must contain eight or fewer characters with no intervening spaces. Although it is not necessary to include the filename extension, DataEase automatically looks for a file with the extension .DIW.
If you want DataEase to prompt the user for the Installation Command filename when the procedure is run (when processing reaches the install application command), omit the filename from the script. You still must include a pair of quotation marks even if you omit the filename.
On a LAN (Local Area Network), if another user is currently using any resource required by the install application command, DataEase displays a Resource Conflict message. While this message is displayed, DataEase automatically tries to execute the command at brief intervals. When the required resource becomes available, DataEase automatically resumes processing and executes the rest of the procedure.

install application "A: CATALOG" .
run procedure "MAILING LIST" .

This script tells DataEase: (1) Install the CATALOG application from the disk in drive A: into the current application, and (2) when the new application is installed, run the MAILING LIST procedure.