

version 4.8.5

License: LGPL v2

QT 5.x build

If we are going for QT 5 it is build by using VS2008 to support Python 2.7, you must build with this configuration:

Install Active perl

Install Ruby (for webkit build)

Install open ssl http://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html

Build ICU (for unicode and webkit) using cygwin and commandline http://site.icu-project.org/download/

Add icu bin E:\Projects\icu\icu4c-54_1\dist\bin and lib E:\Projects\icu\icu4c-54_1\dist\lib to path

E:\Projects\icu\icu4c-54_1\source>bash  ./runConfigureICU Cygwin/MSVC --prefix=/cygdrive/e/Projects/icu/icu4c-54_1/dist
nmake install
E:\Projects\QT\QT532>configure.bat -openssl -I E:\Projects\OpenSSL-Win32\Include -L E:\Projects\OpenSSL-Win32\Lib -I E:\Projects\icu\icu4c-54_1\dist\include -L E:\Projects\icu\icu4c-54_1\dist\lib