- Preview browser
- Page designer
- DQL editor
- Application wide settings
- Security settings
- Page caching module
- Modules
- Snippets
- Actions
- Context editor
- Task editor
- Scheduler editor
- Search engine editor
- Web server console
- Site layout editor
- Template editor
- Robots editor
- Style definitions
- Database manipulation
- Table designer
- Transfer editor
- Reporter
- Deployment module
- Deployment server settings
- Debugger
- .end
- .form header
- .form trailer
- .items
- assign
- application status
- backup db
- begin transaction
- break
- call menu
- call program
- case
- cluster by
- commit
- connect
- copy all from
- data-entry
- db status
- delete records
- define
- disconnect
- do
- documents
- exec SQL
- else
- end
- enter a record
- error messages off
- error messages on
- exit
- export
- for
- global
- if
- import
- imports
- in
- input using
- install application
- into
- list records
- lock
- lock db
- modify records
- message
- named
- others
- prompt
- query selection
- record entry
- records
- reorganize
- restore db
- rollback
- run procedure
- servers
- temp
- then
- tran off
- tran on
- unclustered
- unlock
- unlock db
- via form
- while
- with
- abs
- acos
- addressof
- ampm
- anylookup
- asin
- atan
- atan2
- ceil
- concat
- ConsoleCopy
- ConsoleMemoCopy
- ConsoleShow
- ConsoleWriteToFile
- cos
- cosh
- date
- DatePicker
- day
- DialogOpen
- DialogOpenRelated
- DocumentCloseName
- DoesObjectExist
- ExecDQL
- ExecuteFile
- exp
- FileExecDQL
- firstc
- firstlast
- firstw
- FixedWidth
- floor
- futurevalue
- GetCurrent
- GetVar
- hours
- if
- installment
- jointext
- julian
- lastc
- lastfirst
- lastw
- length
- log
- log10
- lower
- MemoChunk
- MemoCopy
- MemoDecodePair
- MemoExecDQL
- MemoFind
- MemoGetGlobal
- MemoLength
- MemoMemoCopy
- MemoMemoReplace
- MemoReadFromFile
- MemoReplace
- MemoSetGlobal
- MemoStringBetween
- MemoStringFrom
- MemoStringTo
- MemoWordCount
- MemoWriteToFile
- midc
- midw
- minutes
- mod
- month
- OpenForm
- OpenMenu
- OpenProcedure
- OpenReport
- periods
- power
- presentvalue
- proper
- random
- rate
- RefreshForm
- RefreshScreen
- RefreshStatus
- Remote
- Remote authentication
- Remote POP3
- Remote IMAP
- Remote SMTP
- Remote XML
- seconds
- SetColor
- SetCurrent
- SetFocus
- SetLabelText
- SetMemoValue
- SetState
- SetStyle
- SetValue
- SetVar
- sin
- sinh
- spellcurrency
- spelldate
- spellmonth
- spellnumber
- spellweekday
- sqrt
- StringBetween
- StringEscape
- StringFind
- StringFrom
- StringReplace
- StringTo
- tan
- tanh
- textpos
- timeampm
- ToText
- UniqueID
- upper
- Wait
- weekday
- WriteToFile
- year
- yearday
- yearweek
- " (quotation marks)
- () (parentheses)
- + (addition)
- , (comma)
- - (subtraction)
- . (period)
- -- (comment)
- / (division)
- * (multiplication)
- * (asterisk)
- ? (question mark)
- ~ (tilde)
- : (colon)
- := (assignment operator)
- ; (semicolon)
- < (less than)
- <= (less than or equal to)
- = (equals)
- > (greater than)
- >= (greater than or equal to)
- all
- all files
- and
- any
- between
- blank
- count
- count of
- file
- highest of
- in groups
- in groups with group-totals
- in order
- in reverse
- item (Statistical)
- item (Conditional Statistical)
- lock files
- lock nothing
- lock records
- lookup
- lowest of
- max
- mean
- mean of
- min
- not
- number
- numeric string
- or
- pause
- percent
- selected record
- std.dev.
- std.err.
- sum
- sum of
- text
- time
- to
- variance
- window
- Rules for queries
- * (asterisk)
- ? (question mark)
- ~ (tilde)
- and
- or
- not
- ( ) (parentheses)
- Debug querys
- Livetext tags
- xdg3 query
- Sessions
- Pagination
- Free text search
- Intro on fields
- Text
- Hidden
- Date
- Dropdown
- List
- Checkbox
- Radio button
- Text edit
- Redactor (richtext)
- CKEditor
- TinyMCE
- Intro
- hasPrismConnection
- doAction
- doDerivation
- doMenuItem
- doPrismDerivation
- setFormField
- runPrismFunction
- @GetDefinition
- . document
- . listcommands
- . listdocuments
- . listdrives
- . listfiles
- . listfunctions
- . listinternals
- . listoperators
- . listrelated
- . listtables
- . object
- . table
- . testdql
- @SetDefinition
- . document
- . object
- Extra modules intro
- python
- Qt
- wkhtmltopdf
- PySide
- django
- Apache
- LightTPD
- nginx
- pywin32
- flup
- cssutils
- Pillow
- psutil
- mysqldb
- psycopg2
- pyodbc
- python_dateutil
- requests
- suds-ews
- setuptools
- Whoosh
- wmi
- django-send
- bootstrap
- bootstrapmultiselect
- jquery
- jqueryui
- ckedit
- tinymce
- redactor
- JavaScript EU VAT Number Validation
- feedparser
- beautifulsoup
- appsdir
- six
- pycparser
- pyOpenSSL
- cryptography
- cffi
- enum34
- pyasn1
- idna
- ipaddress
- coverage
- coveralls
- docopt
- mock
- funcsigs
- pbr
- nose
- paypalrestsdk
- paypal
- libcurl
- 7zipcpp
- cef
- cpp-jwt
JavaScript EU VAT Number Validation
This function check the validity of the format of an EU VAT number specified by the supplied parameter. Note that it does not check whether the code is currently allocated - this may done by interrogating the EU database.
The specifications of valid VAT numbers were originally gleaned from a variety of sources found on the web, but have since been confirmed using a VIES document. All necessary check digit validation is performed except for the new style French TVA numbers, which are not thought to be yet in use.
Non-EU Norwegian, Serbian, Swiss and Russian VAT formats are also supported.
In this JavaScript function, the country code is mandatory apart from those belonging to the UK, in which case it is optional. A description of how to make a different country's code the default is described in the embedded comments within the downloadable JavaScript code.
Embedded spaces, commas, points, and dashes are accepted, and capitalisation is ignored. If the parameter is a valid VAT number, the function returns the number with any extra characters removed and lower case alphabetic characters converted to uppercase. Otherwise it returns a value of false.
In the following example, the input field has an id of vatnumber, and the button has an onclick="testVATNumber();" associated with it. This latter function calls the maincheckVATNumber function as follows:
function testVATNumber () { var newVATNumber = checkVATNumber (document.getElementById('vatnumber').value); if (newVATNumber) { document.getElementById('vatnumber').value = newVATNumber; alert ("VAT number has a valid format"); } else alert ("VAT number has an invalid format"); }
See here for the routine's change log and acknowledgements. A test transaction is available here.
Download compressed JavaScript file (8,446 bytes)
Note: This routine was last updated on 29th July 2014 to add code improvements. Thanks to Sébastien Boelpaep and Nate Kerkhofs.