The settings found inside the deploy.conf file and what they mean. 

usesiteredirect bool If the web server should do redirects to other sites, used to turn on this feature on the server.
deploymentsiteredirect list list of list with redirect from in col 1 and redirect to in col 3. Ex. redirect from to The protocol to redirect is set in col 0 and col 2. It can have the value og http or https. This means that you can use use ['http','','https',''] to redirect from http to https for all request for
isusinghttp bool Set by the webserver update routines and not necessary stored in the file. Tells if any of the virtual hosts uses http protocol.
isusingssl bool Set by the webserver update routines and not necessary stored in the file. Tells if any of the virtual hosts uses https protocol.
webserverextra dict holds a dict of web server names that then holds a dict with extra settings. Currently the web servers that can have a key with a dict in this dict is 'lighttpd', 'niginx' and 'apache'

The settings found inside the webserverextra->webservername and what they mean

rootextra string
extra settings that is added at root level of the settings file. Usually we add this directly before the virtual host settings.