As described earlier, DG3 are divided into several different components that have different requirements. We therefor divide the requirements into two parts, one for DS and server and one for development.

Requirements for DG3DS and server

To be able to run a DG3 server, the minimum requirements are

What Minimum Recommended minimum
Operating system
Windows XP Windows 2008 R2
Processor 1 core x86
2 core x64
Memory 1GB
1GB 50GB
Display 1024x768 1366x768
1 external ip
or port forward 80

1 external ip

Ports exclusive 80 and 81 80 and 81

As you can see, the DG3 server do not require much for working. As long as it's only used for serving one DG3 application and DS, you can run on the lowest level virtual server there is to rent for windows.

Requirements for DG3 developer

To be able to run a DG3 server, the minimum requirements are

What Minimum Recommended
Operating system
Windows XP Windows 7
Processor 1 core x86
2 core x64
Memory 2GB 8GB
1GB 100GB
Display 1366x768 1920x1080 x 2
Ports 1 in the range 8000+
Some in the range 8000+

The client needs a bit more of the screen and some more memory. The requirements are rather low anyhow. What it need is rights to run it's internal web server. It will automatically take port 8000 for new projects, but you can change it to any port, 80 that is the standard http as well.