- What is DG3
- The different components
- Requirements for running DG3
- Installation of DG3
- Additional installation steps
- Select which web server to use
- Hello World application
- Intro to CMS
- Setting up DG3 as a CMS
- Editing pages
- More about pages and urls
- Structuring a page using the grid
- Adding menu to pages
- Add images to the application
- More formating
- Sending email from contact us
- Adding menu to template
- Deploy the web site
- Storing the pages in database
- Create record
- Auto fill field
- Field validation
- Enable save button validator
- Add new button to template
- View document
- List documents
- Fix selection in menus in template
- CRUD Create Read Update Delete
- Intro to blogs
- Add user authentication
- Bootstrap authentication
- Let user change their passords
- Add reset password
- Login dialog box
- Extending the CMS to a blog
- Extend table for blogging
- Edit blog entry
- View blog entry
- User registration
- User password validation
- User field validation
- User auto login
- User extra registration fields
Additional installation steps
As this product at the moment not is a fully released product, but just a prerelease of technologies, not all of the installation process is 100% for all platforms. It is typically when you have a locked down environment you will get into a few problems. This document will try to list these, and how to solve them. All usually comes down to having rights to do all that needs to be done.
Project folder
The first time you open DG3 it will also set up a DG3Apps folder that will hold all your DG3 projects in your Documents library. This is the default behavior of all DG3 range products. It you want your applications somewhere else, you can simply add a file called redirect with no extension in the DG3Apps folder that contains 1 line with the path you wants to use, and it will forward DG3 to that folder instead of the default. The format of the path should be as you can copy it from you file explorer with a backslash at the end.
Ex. if you want the have all your DG3 Projects in project folder at your E drive, add this as the one and only line in the redirect text file: E:\Projects\DG3Projects\
Service rights
If you want to be able to start and stop the web server external web server and other applications that you run as services, you have to make sure that the windows user you have, have rights to start and stop services. This is not the case for most modern Windows applications. You can rid of these problems by turning of UAC, and elevating the rights of your user or simply change the user the service is running as to your logged in user after DG3 have created the service. A default service created are always running as the Local System account. This account will many times lack rights to the folders DG3 are using for deployed web applications and web server config. The Local System account also might not share your Locale settings for time, date, decimal separator etc. This will change the settings used by the database engine in DG3 (PRISM), as PRISM uses the Locale set on the computers account it is running on.
Services that use port 80
If you want to start the real web server or run the development server at the default HTTP port, you have to make sure that no other uses that port. To see if you can use the built in tool "netstat" to query for the use of the port and if you have "grep" installed you can see the only ones using the port.
# find the process that used port 80. If you do not have grep installe use netstat -a -n -o instead of the next line netstat -a -n -o | grep :80 #Now look for :80 LISTENING the last column will be the PID ex.4 tasklist /svc /FI "PID eq 4"
Then you can find the process holding the port by using the "tasklist" command. If you get PID 4 and System as the name of the process, a good guess is that the process holding the port is IIS aka "World Wide Web Publishing Services", that can be found and stopped in the Local Services.
DG3DS setup
Setting work path
To be able to take advantage of DG3 Deployment Server (DG3DS), you will need to do a couple of manual steps if you use a recent Windows with tight security an UAC activated. The Deployment Server as of the current version of DG3 needs to write a config file (masterpath.conf) to the installation path of DG3DS the first time you save the Deployment server settings. Currently the installation routines do not do this step to give you the chance to use something different than the default settings.To be able to write this file to disk, you have to have write access to the directory for DG3DS. This folder is usually C:\Program Files (x86)\DG3\DG3DS on a x64 Windows 7, 8 and 8.1.
Service rights
DG3DS also have the same problems as DG3 when it comes to services right. Make sure that the account that DG3DS runs in have rights to all files in the deployment folder and the rights to start and stop other services and programs. In newer Windows versions, one account can not start and stop services running as another user, so it will be wise to make sure all DG3 services run as the same user.