Check if a application with given name exists on the DEDS server.

The command line

A script that create a new deserver definition and upload the application if needed.


name The name of the definition to check for on the server
deploymentserve] The server we want to deploy to.
Ex. for local host on port 81
un Username for logging in to your deployment server
Password for logging in to your deployment server

Returns JSON:

{"result" : 'OK", "app" : "exist" or "new", "server" : "running"} all ok and tell is the app exist or is a new name
{"result" : 'Failed", "server" : "offline"} The DEDS server is not running
{"result" : 'Failed", "ds" : "old"} The DEDS server is running, but scripts used are to old, so you need to install a newer version.